
Who Buys Commercial Property

When we represent a seller of a commercial property, we try to determine, as soon as possible in the marketing process, what type of buyer is most likely to be interested in this particular property. We then focus the main appeal on those elements that are most important to that type of buyer. Types of […]

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Drafting The Shopping Center Lease

When leases for shopping centers are being drafted, they can be more difficult than most other commercial leases. In a shopping center, the owner wants the leases to be as uniform as possible, but knows that each lease must have variations to meet the individual tenant’s particular problems in business and in certain size or […]

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Lease Negotiations With A Corporate Team

A few years ago, senior corporate managers were able to make major real estate decisions by themselves. Now, a negotiating team will negotiate leases. This team may consist of legal counsel, finance department representatives, outside specialists such as real estate brokers or tenant representatives, design and engineering consultants, and others.  In today’s market, corporate tenants […]

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Choosing The Right Investment Property

No single property can fit all of the investment goals and rules an investor has set. Even if the investor tried to build a property to specifications, he would find some things “not quite right”. The investor is, therefore, wise to anticipate problems and have some basic strategies for dealing with them. Here are some […]

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Your Real Estate Investment

Knowing what you can do in some investment situations can be the difference between an annual profit or loss in your currently owned commercial property or the one you intend to acquire. How you acquire it can be important. The professional commercial real estate broker is in the position to represent a client in real […]

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Contact Your Property Manager In Advance

The usual way that a property management company comes upon the scene is when the owner of a building makes a contact. Often the owner has just acquired the property through a purchase or exchange, then looks for a manager.  If you are about to acquire an income property, consider contacting the management company in […]

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